(凤凰网) (凤凰周刊)
- 启动时间:1999年8月
- 卫星系统:Astra
- 覆盖国家:包括欧洲及非洲在内的91个国家和地区
- 接收方式:天空数码, 有线网路及IPTV网路等
- 播放时间:24/7全天候播放最新的全球政经民生娱乐资讯
坚持凤凰品牌与本土化策略相融的特色,凤凰卫视欧洲台通过自制节目与欧洲华人及主流社会进行资讯交流互动,为中西文化交流构筑桥樑。本土节目《欧华新干线》涵盖欧洲主流和华人社区政治、经济、商务、旅游等的方方面面。 《海南岛纪事》、《魅力深圳》等中欧合作节目则为欧洲的观众打开通向现代中国的大门。
(欧华新干线) (海南岛纪事)
- 2004 英国伯乐奖之杰出媒体
- 2006 英国伯乐奖之文化联系与交流促进奖
- 美国新闻周刊高度讚扬了凤凰卫视对纽约9/11恐怖袭击快速权威的报道与客观全面的分析
- 英国BBC伦敦总部肯定了凤凰卫视对于构建东西方文化交流桥梁所作出的努力与贡献
Phoenix Satellite Group
Phoenix Chinese TV Group is a Hong Kong-based television broadcaster, and launched its flagship Chinese Channel in 31 March 1996. The massive market of 1.3 billion viewers in mainland China, combined with successful expansion strategies, has enabled Phoenix to develop a comprehensive multi-channel platform. Phoenix broadcasts internationally, and can be seen in Southeast Asia, Australasia, Europe and the US. The Phoenix news service is almost compulsory viewing for Chinese who are interested in world trends, providing one of the best sources of international news available in Chinese. Its global coverage is much more comprehensive than that of any comparable Chinese language broadcaster. Today, Phoenix Chinese Channel, Phoenix movies, Phoenix InfoNews, Phoenix Chinese News and Entertainment and Phoenix North America Chinese Channel deliver content to audiences all over the world.
Phoenix has been rated as one of China’s 500 most valuable brands, announced by the World Brand Laboratory, one of the world’s leading brand evaluation organizations, in the world Brand summit since 2000.
Phoenix Chinese News & Entertainment Channel (PCNE)
As a bridge connecting Europe and Africa with the greater China Region, Phoenix Chinese News & Entertainment Channel (PCNE) brings to its European and African audience an uninterrupted stream of political and business information and a variety of entertainment programs through a wide distribution network, including Satellite, Cable and IPTV. The channel broadcasts its Chinese programmes 24/7 to 91 countries and regions in Europe and Africa, and reach more than 56 million households and 80% of European Chinese penetration.
Phoenix CNE is also dedicated to promote closer economic partnerships and cultural exchanges between China, Europe and Africa, creates waves for Chinese enterprises and provinces in their efforts to open up new trade and investment opportunities in these continents.
Apart from serving the needs of the European and Africa Chinese communities, Phoenix CNE also offers a window of opportunity for investors to target the most affluent and educated European and African Chinese as well as for European and African companies to generate publicity as they propel Chinese market.
For further information, please contact us at info@phoenixcnetv.com .
Phoenix InfoNews Channel
Generally known as “the Chinese CNN”, Phoenix InfoNews Channel is a 24-hour Mandarin channel broadcasts up-to-the minute news, current affairs, financial, social & political reportage and analysis with a Chinese perspective to Chinese community all over the world. Having a strong distribution in China and abroad, comprehensive network of news bureaux and partnerships with distinguished news providers, InfoNews Channel is the key source of news and information for the rapidly growing Chinese middle classes, as well as overseas Chinese communities.